the nest

Note that I am not on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, X, Twitch, or any other social network. If you see me there, he's an imposter.

The Iron Ibis

A little bit of a suprise to me... I've always appreciated and enjoyed air conditioning. I grew up with it and since about 1990 have held indoor jobs that provided air conditioning. So, it's at home, it's in the vehicle on the way to work and it's at work. Recently however, we just stopped running it at home. One unusually comfortable summer day we didn't turn it on and then with only 1 exception, left it off. There have been a few uncomfortable days but for the most part it hasn't been bad at all. I would turn it on to sleep if we needed it, but so far we haven't. I realize there are many, many people who don't even have access to it. That goes without saying. It's been an eye opener for us (at least me) as I've just become a creature of habit.

On another note, I spent 2 of the 3 days this Labor Day weekend riding. One day with some friends. We had a great ride that ended at one of my favorite restaurants west of here. The temperature was great, full sun, moderate wind. Great ride, great food, great companionship.

Today I just rode by myself. I had to run an errand to the big city and then I took the looooong way back. I rode some really nice country roads with minimal traffic and just great weather. I did feel a couple of sprinkles just before I stopped for fuel, but it didn't last - didn't even wet the road. A very relaxing weekend.