Superintendent Sunspoter
About 2 weeks ago, the battery in the Mrs. car went dead while she was at work. Fortunately somebody helped her get started and she went to the local parts store for a new battery. Usually, and especially for a woman, the employees will offer at least some assistance. Personally, I don't know how you can NOT help a woman in need. Anyway, she's a tough country girl and was able to swap out the batteries and continue with her life.
Last night, number one son called while I was at the gym. The Mrs. answered the phone to find out he was on the side of the road with a dead battery. I don't take my phone to the gym, so I had no idea what was going on until I returned home. I took a few tools and offered some help with the battery replacement and in his case he also needed to replace one of the clamps. We finally wrapped up about 11:30 on a cold, cold evening and everybody went home happy.
All that changed this morning though when on his way to work at 6:30 am the truck died and took the new battery with it. This time we just called roadside assistance and number one son went on to work. I stopped on my way to work and waited for awhile for the tow truck. After an hour, I decided I better get to work myself - and now my truck is dead. No battery power at all.
So, I call a guy at our shop for some jumper cables who graciuously came by and gave me a jump. I got the truck to the office where another buddy swapped out the battery for a new one from the local parts store. The battery that died came with the truck which we calculated to be about 5 years old - so it did it's job. It was just unexpected.
So, we've had our dose of problems that run in 3's. I guess we're good to go. (sarcasm)