Moon Hazel
Employment can be as simple as you work for 8 hours on the promise of payment for 8 hours. Usually (hopefully) both parties fulfill their obligation and everybody goes home happy. There is certainly nothing wrong with that arrangement and in fact is desperately needed. Too many expect something for nothing (or next to nothing).
A career on the other hand as defined in one notable dictionary, is "a profession for which one trains and which is undertaken as a permanent calling." Apparently some employers would like to have career minded and trained people but not treat them as such. The unsettling (maybe naive) part is when the employee upholds their end of the "career" bargain but the employer does not.
An employer can certainly run their business however they see fit; even if it's wrong. However, it seems foolish to take on a venture and then let your ego stand in the way of it's success.
Andy Stanley is quoted as saying: "If you do not listen to those around you, eventually you'll be surrounded by people who have nothing to say." I might add to that the danger of listening to those who only have their own interests at heart - even at the expense of the employer's interests.
There are so many ways to fail even when an employer is trying to do everything right. It's confusing and unsettling when an employer repeatedly engages in self-destructive behavior and then can't understand why they aren't successful.