the nest

Note that I am not on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, X, Twitch, or any other social network. If you see me there, he's an imposter.

Fast Fingers Norm

Had a very nice 10 day break. The Mrs. and I spent time together and took a few day trips. She doesn't usually have much time off during the holidays, but she was fortunate to have multiple days off in a row. Rare indeed. We probably spent a little too much money, but we enjoyed ourselves and both of us needed the break.

One particular trip we took "up north" to the big city was somewhat eye opening. It's been more than 15 years since I lived and worked there and to be fair, many things have changed. But so many have not and it's just a lot of lipstick on a pig type feeling to me. I do not miss it.

On a side note, it only took about 1-1/2 days for everything to return to "normal" in my current situation.