the nest

Note that I am not on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, X, Twitch, or any other social network. If you see me there, he's an imposter.

Banshee Locust

It's been gradually warming up all week. That trend was forecast to continue through the weekend and thankfully it did.

I met up with a few guys for breakfast at a local place I had never tried and was pleasantly suprised. No powdered eggs or fake bacon/sausage. It was an authentic home-style type of restaurant. Additionally it was warm enough to ride the back down.

After breakfast we decided to ride over to a retailer and hang around for awhile and dream about our next purchases. Most everywhere I went there were people dressed up in halloween costumes and events for kids. In fact, some churches have been having events already while others are having them later. Halloween for kids will likely last 5 days this year since the 31st is not until Tuesday.

I bid my good-byes and went home for a short break before heading out on my own for a mid-afternoon ride. It was t-shirt temperatures by now and the skies were cloudless. I think I rode for about 2-3 hours and enjoyed every mile. It'll be too cold soon and I'll have to limit my rides unfortunately.

I had to pick up some groceries after returning home and make dinner. We haven't had salmon patties for awhile and they turned out really good. We try to eat some form of healthy fish at least once per week and sometimes twice. The Mrs. really dislikes wild caught whole salmon but she enjoys the salmon patties. <shrug>

Tomorrow is supposed to be 85 degrees as well. We plan to go to church, the gym, and then hang out at home and relax/prep. for Monday.