the nest

Note that I am not on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, X, Twitch, or any other social network. If you see me there, he's an imposter.

Aromatic Hickory

Last weekend the Mrs. and I changed the oil in the bike. I decided last minute to go by Harbor Freight and pick up a motorcycle lift. I'm not really a fan, but as long as your life is not in danger I suppose the tools/equipment last at least long enough to get your money out of it. The lift worked find and I was able to change the oil without issue. I was going to change the rear end oil as well but ran out of time.

This weekend I decided to give the bike a wash and change the rear end oil. Everything went smoothly and then I rode for a couple of hours to be sure there were no issues. It was a great day to ride. The weather was good with no threat of rain. I stayed mostly on the secondary roads and really enjoyed myself.

Tonight the Mrs. gets off work a little early and we plan to get something from Moe's for dinner and then come back home and watch the race.