the nest

Note that I am not on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, X, Twitch, or any other social network. If you see me there, he's an imposter.

Amethyst Heart

I have been compiling 20 years worth of journals (non-public), notes, recipes, reference information and just a lot of information on a variety of topics into PDF files. My intention is to create a PDF document, or documents if the size is too large, that I can carry on the phone or tablet and easily sync and keep current on a variety of devices.

During the last full review of these files, I converted everything with rare exceptions to simple TXT documents with a minimal amount of formatting. Fortunately, in the last reformatting I had converted everything from HTML to mostly TXT. Unfortunately, in my short-sighted approach I also hard coded CRLF at somewhere between column 70 and 78. It's not a major issue to be sure, but in my desire for transportability I've been going through all the documents and eliminating these CRLF except where appropriate such as at paragraph breaks.

This is going to take some time. I don't know how many files there are approximatley 9 GB worth of files. Many are over 300 lines long before formatting. Some as much as 850 lines after formatting.

Over time I've come to appreciate the simplicity of a TXT file to convey information. I realize there is a place for the visually appealing and usually complex documents that look very nice indeed, but I'm more concerned with content than appearance at this stage of my life. An appropriate life analogy now that I think about it. Cheers!