the nest

Note that I am not on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, X, Twitch, or any other social network. If you see me there, he's an imposter.

Officer Alpha Dog

I did not go to the gym last night. I had a couple of issues and ended up missing out on my scheduled night so I made the effort to go today (Saturday) which rarely happens. I did not eat breakfast or lunch but didn't think that would be an issue (foreshadowing).

My leg workout went fine for the most part. I could tell since I hadn't eaten that my capacity was slightly less than 100 percent and I was wearing out much quicker, but all the same, not that bad.

I finished my workout and as is typical, went to the sauna for my 20 minutes. That's when things went down hill quickly. Everything started out fine but I began to have very weird feelings and could tell something wasn't quite right although I could not tell what that was. After just 3-4 minutes I left and sat outside the room to try to recover. I started sweating profusely and wasn't feeling any better so I walked out to the main gym area that has proper air conditioning and eventually sat down at a machine that wasn't being used. I still wasn't getting better and was feeling a little light headed by now.

I stood up to go into one of the side rooms they hold private classes in and almost passed out. I got extremely dizzy and felt like something bad was about to happen. I remember pushing through the closed glass door and immediately sitting and then laying down on the floor. Things did not get worse and in fact after about 5 minutes I felt like I could get back up, collect my things from the locker room and drive home.

Fortunately, I steadily improved on the way home so that by the time I came in the house I was able to make a protein shake, get my stuff together and walk the neighborhood. It definitely took something out of me though. I hope to never experience that again - even though I'm not sure what it was. I've been going to the sauna about 4 days per week for the last couple of months, so it's not a new experience. It must have had something to do with both the level of exertion in the gym and that day's fasting - although neither one has been an issue in the past.