Reading Rodent
The Other Side of the Bay
by Sean Dietrich
The story was just okay for me. It did hold a few suprises, but I found myself irritated by the constant switching between characters and timeframes. The book had quite a few spelling errors and a couple of grammar issues. At times I felt like I was reading a computer generated book.
by Sean Dietrich
Not a complicated read, but it appeals. It's set in a time that I can relate to. The stories are mostly fleshed out well and there is some unexpected plot twists and some sadness, it's generally a book that will make you feel good. Especially if you don't dig too deep into some of the minor plot discrepancies.
The Incredible Winston Browne
by Sean Dietrich
I like the settings for the book and the stories read easily. Not too many complications and most relatable. A good book. I've read and appreciated his short articles online and this did not disappoint either.
Brain Rules
by John Medina
A well defined, not too deep look into why your brain might do what it does and some possible things it needs to operate at full capacity that you can incorporate into your life. The book is not a vapid, tik-tok type approach that appeals to the masses, but it's also not so technical it will leave you confused.
Can't Hurt Me
by David Goggins
A very inspirational read. If only 90% is accurate, it's still 1 helluva read. I didn't know about his personal story until reading this. I only knew of his current podcasts, YouTube videos, etc. This book brings some context to why he is as driven and holds the take no prisoners attitude that he has now. Whether you're a man or a woman, reading about his childhood will make you very sad - maybe even cry. The last 2 words in the book are "what if?". What if indeed.
Automate the Boring Stuff
by Al Sweigart
I liked this book, but I felt like it could have gone deeper and provided more... I don't know... just more.
If It Bleeds
by Stephen King
A small collection of short stories. It was enjoyable although not something I couldn't put down.
Just As I Am
by Billy Graham
A very methodical, chronological re-telling of his life. It's interesting although, at least at this moment in time, not an extremely compelling read for me. Update: I skipped around a little bit, but did finish it. It's a good book if you have an interest in Billy Graham.
Learn Python The Hard Way
by Zed Shaw
I liked this book and it's approach. It just seemed to suddenly make a huge jump from teaching simple techniques to mastering intermediate ideas with no real segway between the two.
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
by Stephen Covey
I implemented some of the suggestions and some I partially implemented. It's a good stepping off point to your own customized solution.
Adventures of Mark Twain
by Mark Twain
I don't remember much other than it was not a bad book to read.
Animal Farm
by George Orwell
Everybody knows this book (or has heard of it). I found it to be an easy, enjoyable read.
Babylon Rising
by Tim LaHaye
It was an enjoyable read.
Captured by Grace
by David Jeremiah
An easy explanation of some biblical issues
Cult of the Dead Cow
by Jospeh Menn
So far it's slightly interesting although not compelling. Definitely worth a read if you're into tech and the history of tech. Update: I gave up.
Eat This, Not That
by David Zinczenko
If you are not up to speed on the hazards of current food choice problems you might enjoy this.
by Joel Rosenberg
I liked this one better than The Last Days.
Free As In Freedom: Richard Stallman's Crusade For Free Software
by Sam Williams
Good historical information as to why Stallman might be the way he is.
Free Culture
by Lawrence Lessig
Lengthy. Lots of information. Not a light read.
Getting Things Done
by David Allen
Popular and effective means of organizing your tasks and thoughts.
Guns Don't Kill People, My Uncle Does
by Carla Rene
Good. Weird. But good.
How To Live On 24 Hours A Day
by Arnold Bennett
It was ok. Might be the kick in the pants somebody needs to get out of a slump.
Left Behind Series
by Tim LaHaye
Read these years and years ago. There was some controversy (naturally) as it's not a word-for-word description of the end times. It does get the point across and might point you toward picking up a bible and verifying the information yourself.
Living The Fit Life
by Patrick McCrann
Not really applicable to my circumstances, but certainly some good information.
Love Among The Chickens
by P.G. Wodehouse
I like his other books better, but it's still ok.
My Man Jeeves
_ by P.G. Wodehouse_
An easy, entertaining, read.
Right Ho, Jeeves
by P.G. Wodehouse
An easy, fun read.
Spirit Warriors
by Stu Webber
Encouraging read
The Art Of Manliness
by Brett McKay
More of a guide for personal hygiene and behaviors for men. Stuff your dad might have (should have) taught you.
The Hound Of The Baskervilles
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
I like most of the Sherlock Holmes books so I'm a little biased but I found it enjoyable.
The Last Days
by Joel Rosenberg
Fast paced, enjoyable book.
The Million Pound Bank Note
by Mark Twain
Silly, but enjoyable
The Revolution
by Ron Paul
Ok, not great.
The Secret Life Of Bikers
by Jerry Langton
It's ok. If you don't read it, you won't have missed much though.
The Shack
by William P. Young
I really liked this and it was an unexpected purchase. I just wanted to pick up an easy read for a beach trip. It's been made into a movie as well.
The Snowball
by Warren Buffet
This was a difficult read for me. I thought it might be more interesting than it was. I stopped reading about half-way.
When You Are Engulfed In Flames
by David Sedaris
Ok, not great